Product Summary

The SAA7324H is a single chip combining the functions of a CD decoder, digital servo and bitstream DAC. The decoder/servo part is based on the SAA737x (CD7) and is software compatible with this design. Extra functions are controlled by use of shadow registers (see Section 7.15.3).


SAA7324H absolute maximum ratings: (1)supply voltage, n = 4 mode: 3.0 V min, 3.3 V typ, 3.6V max; (2)supply voltage, n = 1 or 2 mode; note 1: 2.4 to 3.6 V; (3)supply current, VDD = 3.3 V: 20 mA; (4)supply current,VDD = 2.4 V: 14 mA; (5)crystal frequency: 4 min, 8.4672 typ, 35 max MHz; (6)ambient temperature: -10 to +70 ℃; (7)storage temperature: -55 to +125 ℃.


SAA7324H features: (1)Up to 4 times speed mode; (2)Low voltage operation at up to 2 times speed; (3)Lock-to-disc mode; (4)Full error correction strategy, t = 2 and e = 4; (5)Full CD graphics interface; (6)All standard decoder functions implemented digitally on chip; (7)FIFO overflow concealment for rotational shock resistance; (8)Digital audio interface (EBU), audio and data; (9)Two and four times oversampling integrated digital filter, including fs mode; (10)Audio data peak level detection; (11)Kill interface for external DAC deactivation during digital; (12)silence; (13)All SAA737x (CD7) digital servo and high-level functions; (14)Low focus noise; (15)Same playability performance as SAA737x (CD7); (16)Automatic closed-loop gain control available for focus and radial loops; (17)Pulsed sledge support.


SAA7324H block diagram

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